Medical Acupuncture
Medical acupuncture helps to maintain or restore wellness using the body's own natural healing abilities. This traditional Chinese practice dates back more than 2,000 years and is one of the oldest known complementary medical therapies available today.
Examples of conditions treatable by acupuncture
-Pain from injury or surgery -Back and neck pain -Joint pain -Muscle pain -Arthritis -Plantar fasciitis Women's health
-Menstrual cramps -Infertility -Pelvic pain -Menopause symptoms Neurologic
-Carpal tunnel -Headaches and migraine -Neuralgias |
-Fatigue -Stress reduction -Smoking cessation -Insomnia -Skin conditions Respiratory
-Sinusitis -Allergies and asthma Gastrointestinal
-Inflammatory bowel disease -Irritable bowel -Constipation |
Dr. Clemens would be happy to answer your questions about Medical Acupuncture. Please visit the contact page for more information.